by Saginaw Community Foundation | Jul 10, 2013 | Blog
The Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs (MCACA) has announced its grant program workshop schedule in anticipation of projected funding increases for the Fiscal Year 2014 program. “We are very excited about the support we have received from...
by Saginaw Community Foundation | Jul 3, 2013 | Blog
The FORCE Youth Advisory Committee comprises youth between 14 and 21 who grant funds to enrich the lives of other youth in Saginaw County and to improve the overall community. In 2012, FORCE granted funds to programs that affected various Saginaw County...
by Saginaw Community Foundation | Jul 3, 2013 | Blog
The Friends of Hoyt Park formed in 2008 with the idea of bringing youth summer baseball back to the historic Saginaw park. Focusing on the park’s preservation and the return of athletic events, the group grooms and maintains the ball fields. Then they added more to...
by Saginaw Community Foundation | Jul 3, 2013 | Blog
The Saginaw Valley Police Canine Association (SVPCA) provides financial support to law enforcement K9 units in Saginaw County. That includes purchasing the police service dogs, which can run up to $12,000, as well as regular visits to the vet, dog food, equipment and...
by Saginaw Community Foundation | Jul 3, 2013 | Blog
We work hard at the foundation to bring community initiatives across Saginaw County to life every day. Here is another great story: Since 2004, the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan has helped children who are at-risk for hunger by packing a lot of nutrition into...
by Saginaw Community Foundation | Jul 3, 2013 | Blog
In 2012, the Saginaw Community Foundation supported many initiatives across the county. Here is a glimpse at one. The Saginaw County Sports Hall of Fame is making the play of a lifetime by creating a new home inside the Castle Museum of Saginaw County...