October 5, 2012

Transforming Deindorfer Woods: Restoration of the park put in the hands of the community

The following is from the September 2012 issue of Cornerstone, the newsletter of the Lucy R. Allen Cornerstone Club. Download the PDF or read the articles online.


Last December, the Consumers Energy Foundation awarded a $125,000 grant to restore Deindorfer Woods Park – contingent upon matching grants. The matching funds were raised within six months.


The restoration of Deindorfer Woods Park in Saginaw is now complete thanks in part to a Consumers Energy Foundation matching grant, as well as grants from Saginaw Community Foundation, The Dow Chemical Company, Harvey Randall Wickes Foundation, Citizens Bank, Morley Foundation, Frank N. Andersen Foundation, Allen E. & Marie A. Nickless Memorial Foundation, Wickson-Link Memorial Foundation and Alice E. Turner Memorial Trust.


“The community really rallied around this cause,” said Reneé Johnston, CEO and president of the Saginaw Community Foundation. “There are a lot of memories and history in the park.”


The $250,000 in total donations were used to renovate the trails, replace dead trees, add a new playground and put lights, security cameras and a new parking lot into the park.


“This park is one of 10 projects that our company is supporting in communities around the state as we celebrate our 125th anniversary,” said David Mengebier, president of the Consumers Energy Foundation. “It symbolizes our commitment to the people and the communities in Michigan we serve.”