SCF Impact Challenge
Two area nonprofits share a $30,000 award

Smallwood Holoman, Vice-Chair, SCF Board of Directors; Mary Ellen Johnson, President/CEO, Saginaw County Youth Protection Council; Reneé Johnston, President/CEO, Saginaw Community Foundation; Carol Lechel, President/Director, READ Association of Saginaw County. (Pictured left to right).
After a year-long challenge issued to participating area nonprofit agencies, the winners of the SCF Impact Challenge were announced at our annual Cornerstone Celebration on Dec. 7 at FirstMerit Bank in downtown Saginaw. READ Association of Saginaw County took home the first place award of $15,000 for general operation purposes and an additional $2,500 to be placed in their endowment fund here at SCF. Saginaw County Youth Protection Council took home the runner-up award of $10,000 for general operation purposes and an additional $2,500 to be placed in their endowment fund, also here at SCF.
“We believe that the SCF Impact Challenge really energized our agency partners about the importance of endowments,” said Reneé Johnston, SCF president and CEO. “Congratulations to READ Association of Saginaw County and Saginaw County Youth Protection Council!”
The SCF Impact Challenge helped celebrate and mark the Foundation’s 30th anniversary by providing a total pool of $30,000 in award dollars for agencies that signed-on to raise funds for their endowments between Dec. 1, 2014 and Nov. 30, 2015. For every $5,000 an agency raised, one entry would be earned in a drawing to receive one of two awards. Fifteen agencies agreed to participate and together raised a total of $174,241.62.
“Thank you Saginaw Community Foundation and all donors who believe and support our local Foundation and agency programs,” said Carol Lechel, president /director, READ Association of Saginaw County.
“We are forever grateful,” said Mary Ellen Johnson, president/CEO Saginaw Youth Protection Council. “Thank you Reneé and the Saginaw Community Foundation board.”
Click here to view the final results of the participating agencies.