January 9, 2012

Saginaw Community Foundation in top philanthropic tier nationally

The Saginaw Community Foundation recently received notification that it has met the nation’s highest philanthropic standards for operational quality, integrity and accountability.


The National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations Program requires community foundations to document their policies for donor services, investments, grantmaking and administration. The notice comes from the Council on Foundations, a national professional association based in Washington, D.C.


“In addition to affirming our philanthropic services, the National Standards validates our grantmaking practices for the nonprofit community,” said Reneé Johnston, Saginaw Community Foundation president and CEO.


The Saginaw Community Foundation helps Saginaw County residents build a better community by linking donor interests with the community’s most pressing needs and promising opportunities. As a nonprofit corporation, the foundation serves three important constituencies: its donors who want to make a difference; the nonprofit organizations that provide services and programs essential in the community; and the individual communities within Saginaw County.


With more than 200 community foundations already confirmed in compliance nationwide, the program is designed to provide quality assurance to donors, as well as to their legal and financial advisors.


“This is similar to the Good Housekeeping Seal for community foundations,” said Steve Gunderson, Council on Foundations president and chief executive officer.


The National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations program is the first of its kind for charitable foundations in the United States.