June 26, 2014

Jump starting student interest in construction trades

In the northeast corner of Saginaw, middle and high school students are getting a jump start on a career. Thanks in part to a grant we provided, The Greater Michigan Construction Academy brought its Jump Start program to the First Ward center in the summer of 2013 at no-cost to participants.

The 12-week program, open to residents of Saginaw ages 13-18, teaches safety training, interpersonal skills, problem-solving strategies, career planning and hands-on opportunities to learn practical skills in the construction industry.

Jump Start helps fill a need for students graduating from high school with no desire to attend college. It provides a sense of hope and eventually jobs in our community.

“We train our students to employability,” said Jimmy E. Green, president and CEO. “When they have completed the program, they are fully certified to move onto an apprenticeship with a private company and have a fulfilling, well-paying career in a construction trade.”

Students are introduced to a variety of different trades, like plumbing, electrical and carpentry, to aid in finding a potential career of interest.

“These students are great people that deserve a chance,” said Stephanie Davis, director of education. “We are really making a difference in the lives of our students by giving them skills they can use for a lifetime.”





























2013 was another great year of making an impact in Saginaw County. Download a PDF and read more inspiring stories and see what is going on “behind-the-scenes” in our latest annual report.