September 25, 2013

Gospel Fest Music Arts Scholarship

Vicki Hill is a radio gospel announcer at WTLZ-FM 107.1 FM. For over 16 years, many people have invited Ms. Hill into their homes every Sunday to listen to her words of encouragement and special music arrangements of contemporary Christian to traditional gospel music. Ms. Hill showcases local artists and even gives artists who are not signed to a major label an opportunity to become national artists by giving them a start on her show. Ms. Hill has developed a following of her own in the process and has helped many people in various ways that is difficult to explain. People often call her at the radio station and on her own personal time. She talks to them and plays personal songs to minister to them in their time of need. Through the years, the people that invite her into their homes have let her know that the Lord is working through her to bring them peace.

Ms. Hill has been the driving force behind bring the Annual Gospel Fest held each year at Ojibway Island that attracts 1,000 to 2,000 people annually. This event provides a safe place where all people of multi-cultural backgrounds and race come together and enjoy without the threat of violence. It provides also  musical entertainment by some of the best artists in the country, a place to bridge the gaps and bring peace and harmony to the community. The Gospel Fest features performances by local and national gospel musicians, food, games, contests, horseback riding, health screenings and more. The event has something for everyone with various choirs, quartets, mime dancers, hip-hop, rock and country gospel music. The proceeds from this festival will be used to help a Saginaw County student pursue their dreams of achieving a college degree in musical arts.


  • Graduating high school senior, current undergrad or grad students
  • Pursuing a degree in Musical Arts
  • Saginaw County resident
  • Full or part-time enrollment

Evaluation Criteria

  • Audition MP3 file (50)
  • Financial need (30)
  • Career goals as demonstrated in essay (10)
  • Community service activities (10)

Special Attachment Required

Please refer to the online scholarship application for more information