Dow communityGives, a component of DowGives, creates an opportunity to encourage volunteerism in youth, grades K-12, in the Great Lakes Bay Region. Youth can earn a $1,000 grant to use toward expenses like uniforms, travel costs or classroom needs, or they can choose to donate it the nonprofit of their choice.
By promoting volunteerism, communityGives emphasizes the importance and value of community engagement to our region’s youth, and promotes a sense of community, along with a desire to give back.
The Dow Chemical Company is collaborating with the Midland Area Community Foundation, the Bay Area Community Foundation and the Saginaw Community Foundation for grant implementation and administration.
Volunteer Project/Activity Criteria
- A group must have a minimum of 10 youth participants
- Volunteer project/activity must be a minimum of three hours in length with youth committing to three consecutive hours of volunteering
- The project/activity cannot directly benefit the applicant (i.e., a baseball team cannot clean a park where it plays baseball
- Completed project/activity must equal 50+ volunteer hours (example: 17 youth x 3 hours volunteering = 51 total hours)
Dow communityGives Grant Process
Before starting your application, you must call Cecelia Hopkins at the foundation at (989) 755-0545 to receive verbal approval for the proposed project/activity. Requirements are detailed in the application. The application can be submitted to SCF via email.
After completing the project/activity, the applicant must submit final report with photos and signed photo releases. The $1,000 grant will be sent after all steps are completed.
Applicants must be a K-12 youth group, such as:
- A 5th grade class
- JV Football
- Traveling baseball team
- Church youth group
- National Honor Society, etc.