by Saginaw Community Foundation | Jul 30, 2014 | Blog
Located on Saginaw’s east side is a sports and fitness park that is a true “gem.” Established by New Life Ministries outreach program Mission in the City in 2011, the park, filling a city block at N. 6th and N....
by Saginaw Community Foundation | Jul 23, 2014 | Blog
Opening a Donor Advised Fund allows your company to make a gift to Saginaw Community Foundation, and remain...
by Saginaw Community Foundation | Jul 22, 2014 | Blog
Each individual, family or organization we work with has distinct charitable interests – and unique financial circumstances. We help you make the most of both, so you receive the greatest return on your community investment. Here are seven ways you can achieve the...
by Saginaw Community Foundation | Jul 18, 2014 | Blog
People give for a number of reasons, all very personal to them. What motivates you? Perhaps you feel strongly about a cause. Perhaps an organization has touched your life or the lives of loved ones. Maybe you want to create a legacy and set an example that inspires...
by Saginaw Community Foundation | Jun 26, 2014 | Annual Report, Blog
Like so many others in the late 1930s, the young black Americans who would become known as the Tuskegee Airmen were full of patriotic zeal and eager to serve in the military as WWII intensified in Europe and Asia. What set them apart was that they wanted to fight the...
by Saginaw Community Foundation | Jun 26, 2014 | Annual Report, Blog
In the northeast corner of Saginaw, middle and high school students are getting a jump start on a career. Thanks in part to a grant we provided, The Greater Michigan Construction Academy brought its Jump Start program to the First Ward center in the summer of 2013 at...