Saginaw Teen MOPS

Mentoring support group established for teen moms Regardless of age or experience, being a mother is demanding with unlimited challenges. These demands are magnified for teen mothers who face challenges such as security quality, reliable childcare; completing...

Invent Now // Camp Invention

Area school districts partner to host summer STEM camps During the summer of 2015, elementary students in Saginaw participated in the weeklong Camp Invention, an educational program of North Canton, Ohio based Invent Now, Inc. The camp is a weeklong summer program led...

To Protect and Learn

Each year an estimated 25,000-50,000 people attend free or low-cost events in Saginaw Township, such as Party on McCarty, homecoming parades, Saginaw Greek Festival and many others. Local law enforcement officials work tirelessly to ensure the venues are safe and...

It’s About Honoring Service

Optimist Club of Saginaw “Ed was an true optimist,” said Louis Diechman, member of the Optimist Club of Saginaw and the “Officer Ed” Nowaczyk Scholarship Selection Committee.   When Edwin F. “Officer Ed” Nowaczyk passed away in 1985, the Optimist Club of Saginaw,...