Canine Connections

Saginaw Police K9 Units provide vital public safety functions Back in 2010, illegal drug use began to skyrocket in the community of Standish, especially in the high school. With an immediate need to eradicate this growing problem, Arenac County resident Jody Wilk...

Child on Top of a Greenhouse

Unique experience improving literacy skills in children Thousands of people pass by a neat, well-kept two-story white house with dark gray trim every day located at 1805 Gratiot Ave. in Saginaw without even a thought of its significance. Yet contained within its walls...

Saginaw Teen MOPS

Mentoring support group established for teen moms Regardless of age or experience, being a mother is demanding with unlimited challenges. These demands are magnified for teen mothers who face challenges such as security quality, reliable childcare; completing...