by Saginaw Community Foundation | Oct 12, 2018 | Scholarships
Pastor Roosevelt Austin’s commitment to his family and community has been evident for more than six decades throughout the Saginaw Community. To start, he pastored the historic Zion Missionary Baptist Church for 44 years. The Rev. Dr. Roosevelt and Dr. Nurame...
by Saginaw Community Foundation | Oct 12, 2018 | Scholarships
Individuals like Pat Brady only come around every so often. He was an exceptional athlete, a valuable coach, and a caring teacher and counselor. If you’re lucky enough to call Pat Brady a friend, you have a friend for life. In June 2018, the Saginaw County Sports Hall...
by Saginaw Community Foundation | Oct 12, 2018 | Scholarships
Positive Results Downtown Saginaw (previously recognized as PRIDE in Saginaw, Inc.) contributes to the cultural, social, recreational and economic life of the Great Lakes Bay Region. It is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. It was organized in 1975 by...
by Saginaw Community Foundation | Oct 12, 2018 | Scholarships
Biography to come. Qualifications Minimum GPA 3.0 High school senior residing in Saginaw County Preference is given to a student from Valley Lutheran High School Pursuing an undergraduate degree or Career and Techincal Education (CTE) training (skilled trade/vocation)...
by Saginaw Community Foundation | Oct 12, 2018 | Scholarships
Biography to come. Qualifications Minimum GPA 3.0 High school senior residing in Saginaw County Preference is given to a student from Valley Lutheran High School Pursuing an undergraduate degree or Career and Techincal Education (CTE) training (skilled trade/vocation)...