February 14, 2014

Enriching education in our communities

2013-2014 Grants for ExcellenceCreated in 1991, Saginaw Community Foundation’s Grants for Excellence teacher mini-grant program was established by and initially funded by the King Family Fund and the Wickson-Link Foundation. This mini-grant program provides a source of funding for unique, creative educational initiatives and projects not currently supported by schools budgets for schools located in Saginaw County. Over the past 23 years, a variety of funding sources, including the initial funders have provided support for this initiative. A total of $210,117.27 has been granted.

The Grants for Excellence program is designed to enhance student experiences and curriculum activities, develop projects to facilitate different learning styles, motivate student curiosity and learning, supplement additional funding sources, purchase educational materials and/or bring non-traditional resources to the classroom, develop and share innovative methods and tools for teaching and inspire professional development and growth.

“We recognize the tremendous affect teachers can have on the lives of young children. We also recognize that many demands and requirements are placed on teachers today,” said LeeAnn Martuch, program officer. “These mini-grants provide an opportunity to reward outstanding teachers in Saginaw County for taking the extra effort in the classroom.”


All Saginaw County Pre-K–12 teachers and instructional staff are eligible to apply. While more than one application may be submitted, only one grant will be awarded per individual, per year. The project must be implemented between Jan. 1 and June 30.

Applications are reviewed anonymously on a competitive basis by an advisory committee consisting of civic and community volunteers and educators. Individual proposals are evaluated based on:

• Number of students involved in and/or benefiting from the project
• Expected impact of the program
• Effectiveness of the activity or program
• Potential to improve student achievement and morale
• Cost effectiveness
• Enhancement of the skills of teachers and support staff
• Potential for continuation and/or replication

Learn more about the Grants for Excellence teacher mini-grant program. Contact LeeAnn Martuch at (989) 755-0545 or leeann@saginawfoundation.org.




2013-2014 Grants for Excellence Recipients


Freeland High School


Purchase model rockets and engines for special education physics class students to build and launch. (Ms. Marilyn Peters)



Havens Elementary School – Swan Valley


Purchase Seven Habits books to help improve students leadership and self-confidence. (Ms. Lori Vacik)



Ling Elementary School – Hemlock


Purchase books and art supplies to promote reading and interest in Greek mythology. (Ms. Louise Fleischmann)



Saginaw Intermediate School District


Purchase talking GPS units for visually impaired students allowing for safe and independent travel in the community. (Ms. Rikilynn Layher)



Saginaw Arts & Sciences Academy


Purchase teacher copy of Odyssey, a chemistry simulation software program that allows the instructor to demonstrate how the behavior of molecules relates to the behavior of substances. (Dr. David Allen)

Purchase various early writing forms such as clay, papyrus and antique papers. (Ms. Lisa Millar)



Shields Elementary School


Purchase science equipment to supply STOP, DROP and SCI, a program where, once a month, all teachers at Shields Elementary School stop and perform various science experiments at the same time. (Ms. Michelle Buggia)



St. Thomas Aquinas School


Purchase a comprehensive Pre-K science kit allowing students to explore and investigate science topics at their grade level. (Ms. Molly Borges)



Swan Valley High School


Purchase classroom set of Radioactive Boy Scout novels for use in chemistry classes. (Ms. Kay Wejrowski)

Purchase Mini-Q civics program to help improve student’s reading and writing skills. (Mr. Dave Adams)