What types of programs does the Saginaw Community Foundation (SCF) support with its grants?

SCF makes grants and raises funds for a wide variety of charitable purposes, including education, the arts, human service, health and welfare, and civic improvement. When we make a grant it must be used to benefit Saginaw County citizens and/or programs. In collaboration with our regional community foundation partners, we can and do impact the entire Great Lakes Bay Region through our grants. Since each of the Foundation’s funds has its own purpose and identity, each grant also reflects the charitable goals of the fund donor.


Who decides to award the grants?

SCF uses a careful review process. Initially, SCF staff review all requests and conduct site visits if needed. The applications are then sent to committee members who review the application, meet to discuss and make recommendations to the SCF Board of Directors.


How often does SCF award grants?

Grants are reviewed on a quarterly basis.


What is the difference between a private and community foundation?

A community foundation qualifies as a public charity. This allows donors the maximum tax deduction for gifts and bequests. A private foundation is usually established by a single individual or family. Unlike a private foundation, SCF’s assets come from any number of individuals, corporations, foundations and organizations interested in improving the quality of life in our community. These gifts range in size and purpose, depending upon the interests of individual donors. Some funds are given for specific charitable purposes; others are unrestricted so they may be used to meet the changing needs of our community.

Learn more about the differences between a private and community foundation. 


Why should I use SCF rather than establishing my own private foundation?

Using SCF is a much more affordable option. There are no excise taxes, no payout requirements, no federal returns to hassle with and no excessive paperwork. By establishing a fund with SCF, you have immediate access to professional, competent staff members who can help you achieve your goals.


What is an endowment fund?

An endowment fund is a permanent fund established at SCF for either specific or general purposes. Because the principal will always remain intact, the fund will always be here. Only the income is used for grants, supporting programs year after year.


Does SCF ever spend its principal?

Best practices recommend not spending the principal on funds. Our funds are permanently endowed and will be here 100+ years from now, still supporting the types of important community projects and programs stipulated by the donor.


Can a fund be established in someone’s name?

Yes. Funds are named any way you wish, so family names or corporate names can be used. Or, if you prefer, funds can remain anonymous. Grants from the funds will always be made in the name of the fund providing a wonderful memorial opportunity.


Who are the donors to SCF?

Donors to SCF are people just like you. You do not have to be wealthy to make a difference. Working with SCF, you can make a lasting impact on the quality of life in Saginaw County, for good, for ever.


Who names and establishes the purposes of a fund?

You do. SCF is here to help you achieve you own personal charitable objectives.


Who administers the Saginaw Community Foundation?

SCF is currently governed by a 20-member Board of Directors who are nominated by the SCF Nominating Committee and approved by the Board of Directors. The directors are chosen for their broad community knowledge and representation. We also have youth representation on the board who are nominated by the FORCE Youth Advisory Committee. Our board members receive no compensation for their service.


What Do We Do?

Learn more about who we are and what we do here at the Saginaw Community Foundation.