April 8, 2021

Important Information Regarding Donations to Saginaw Community Foundation via Check

With over 580 unique funds each with their own area of impact, there are a variety of ways you can match your giving area of interest with your philanthropic goals and give back to your community with a gift to Saginaw Community Foundation (SCF). Gifts of cash, checks, real estate, fine art, retirement savings, appreciated securities, stocks, bonds or business assets are accepted – and each type of gift has requirements to meet in order for SCF to accept your gift.


Changes in the way checks are validated and processed for deposit at SCF’s primary financial institution necessitate a modification to the way SCF can accept gifts made by check. If you give to SCF with a personal or business check, and may have donated in the past to SCF by making your check payable to a specific fund (i.e., Saginaw Promise Scholarship Fund) or a special project fund, we want to make you aware of a new way for you to prepare your check for a donation to SCF.


Effective immediately, if you wish to donate via check, please make your check payable to Saginaw Community Foundation and indicate the fund name or special project you wish to direct your donation to on the memo line. You may also indicate the name of the fund or special project you wish to support with your gift by using a SCF donation envelope, a SCF donation form, or separate note enclosed with your contribution. In order for SCF to be able to accept and deposit any donation made via check, it is important that all checks are made payable to Saginaw Community Foundation.


If you would like to donate electronically via credit or debit card, please visit https://saginawfoundation.thankyou4caring.org. Our secure donation page features a search function that allows donors to find and select a fund to direct a gift towards. Donations to multiple funds can be compiled into a “shopping cart” and processed at one time with a single transaction. Receipts are emailed within minutes using the email address provided during the transaction. If you would like to set-up a recurring automatic donation charged to your credit or debit card, please contact us at (989) 755-0545 for details.


For any questions about contributing via check, or for any other concerns, please contact us at (989) 755-0545. The Saginaw Community Foundation staff and Board of Directors wish to thank all of our amazing donors for their support, for it truly takes a village … for good, for ever.